
The Ekpe culture is a central aspect of the cultural heritage of the Manyu people, a subgroup of the Ejagham people of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. The Ekpe culture is characterized by the Ekpe secret society, which is a major part of Manyu social and religious life.

The Ekpe society is a secret and exclusive organization that is central to Manyu culture. It is made up of members who have undergone a series of initiation ceremonies and are considered to be initiated into the society's secrets and mysteries.

The Ekpe society is involved in many aspects of Manyu life, including religious rituals, social events, and justice. The society has its own set of laws and customs, and members are expected to abide by these laws and customs at all times.

The Ekpe society is also responsible for preserving and promoting Manyu culture. Through its activities, the Ekpe society helps to maintain the cultural traditions of the Manyu people and to pass these traditions down from one generation to the next.

One of the most important aspects of the Ekpe culture is the Ekpe dance, which is a central part of Manyu cultural life. The dance is performed by members of the Ekpe society and is characterized by its energetic, rhythmic, and powerful beats. The Ekpe dance is an important part of Manyu cultural celebrations, and it is performed at festivals, weddings, and other special events.

The Ekpe culture is a unique and dynamic aspect of the cultural heritage of the Manyu people. Through the Ekpe society and its associated traditions and customs, the Manyu people have created a cultural legacy that continues to inspire and enrich their community and the wider world.